A home automation system (also called “connected home”) consists of the installation of one or more electrical elements allowing you to control and/or automate certain elements of your home. The whole system is connected to a control screen (usually in your living room) or to an application directly on your laptop or tablet.
Connected house and home automation installation in the Haut-Rhin (68)
Concrètement qu’est-ce qu’un système domotique de Saint-Louis à Mulhouse et dans tout le Haut-Rhin ?

Why install a home automation system in the Haut-Rhin (68) ?
Simplify your life and save energy with your home automation system! Thanks to a touch panel, a touch tablet, a computer or a phone control and program remotely.
Electric radiator
Air Conditioning & Ventilation
Shutter & Blind
Lighting & luminaire
Alarm & Monitoring
Power consumption
More information about our home automation solutions, our product suppliers or any other questions? Do not hesitate to contact us for a free estimate and quotation.
Contact us

Example of automated home automation scenario
Alarm shutdown
Rooms : Opening the shutters
Heater off
Living room : Starting up the heating
Turning on the lights
During the day
Switching on the alarm
Automatic Thermostat Control & Energy Savings
Ex : Heat wave = Closing of the shutters and start of air conditioning
Alarm shutdown
Heating increase before you return home
Increase heating room before bedtime
Alarm shutdown
Heating increase before you return home
Switching off all lights from cell phone
Heating shut-off in some rooms
Alarm activation