Installation of consumption indicators and energy management in Haut-Rhin (68)
Thanks to home automation, the installation of electrical sensors offers you a real opportunity to save energy and expenses! Visualize your consumption at a glance, set yourself goals and drastically lower your electricity bills!
Measure your electricity consumption
Reduce your electricity expenses
Hot water tank
Electric heating
Air Conditioning/Ventilation
Measure your water and liquid consumption
Reduce your consumption of water and other liquids
Consumption in m3 and in euros
Water, gas, fuel oil, etc…
Measure your climate consumption
Reduce your climate consumption
Joule Effect Transmitter
Collective heating
Heat pump
"Tracking your electricity consumption and adapting your uses can save up to 23%"
CNRS 2018 Study
Install consumption indicators in your new home Haut-Rhin (68)
Since 2012 it has become mandatory for new homes to be equipped with a system for measuring and displaying consumption (Thermal Regulation RT 2012). It is therefore important to be equipped with a system that is simple to use, efficient and sustainable.

Install consumption indicators in your old house Haut-Rhin (68)
For owners of older buildings, the installation of consumption indicators is the key to savings ! Indeed, the indicators will allow you to visualize your various consumptions and to realize the various possible and easily achievable reductions of consumption in order to lighten your various bills !
For more information about our home automation solutions, our product suppliers or any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Free estimates and quotes.
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