Poussières, particules de cuissons, fumés de cheminé, poils d’animaux , bougies ou encore humidité, l’air de votre intérieur nécessite d’être régulièrement renouveler afin d’en évacuer toutes les impuretés nocives pour vos poumons. Malheureusement il nous arrive souvent d’oublier d’aérer et il n’est pas toujours possible de le faire suffisamment longtemps (froid, pollen, bruit, etc).
Installation of single-flow CMV's in Haut-Rhin (68)
Would you like to have purified air for you and your loved ones?

Installation de VMC simple flux dans le Haut-Rhin, comment ça fonctionne ?
Single flow ventilation or “single flow CMV” is based on an air extractor installed mostly in the attic. The air in the so-called “humid” rooms of the house (kitchen, toilet, bathroom) is drawn in through pipes previously installed in the ceilings. In order to bring the outside air back in, small air inlets are placed above the windows or in the roller shutter boxes located in the so-called “dry” rooms (e.g. bedrooms).
Do you want to make sure you breathe healthy air inside your home, whether it is new or old ? Would you like more information on the installation process ? Do not hesitate to contact us
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